Sunday 26 June 2016


I have tried writing a post 4 times in the past week regarding my countries EU referendum. I toiled and agonised for weeks searching every fibre of my soul trying to decide which way to vote. It was never a case of what I wanted but the type of future I wanted to leave for my son. In the end I voted to for Britain to remain in the EU.
I wanted my son to grow up in country that does not run away from problems but tries to work them out. I wanted the country to show him that when the going gets tough you don't just run away but instead you work hard to put things right.
As you can imagine I was disappointed to say the least when I woke Friday morning to learn that the UK had chose to leave the EU. I cannot say I was in the least bit surprised however. The remain campaign debated terribly in my opinion, choosing to use fear tactics to try and persuade voters rather than stating all the positive things that the EU has brought to the UK.
It feels almost like a victory for the far right fascists in this country even though I know for the majority of Brexit voters they voted for tighter boarder controls and sovereignty which I can identify with. I just worry that all the fascists in the country hide amongst Brexit masses ready to pounce and make Britain more secular.
I fear of what is to come, I love this country. I feel like the Brexit voters have been duped with empty promises. Already Nigel Farage has said the 350 million we spend in the EU will not be put back into the NHS despite this being a major argument for the Brexit campaign. Scotland is once again thinking of breaking away from the UK, Boris Johnson looks like he has just realised the shit has hit the fan and there is nowhere left to hide.

It is what it is however. Everybody including myself has to accept what has happened and pull together to forge the type of country we want to have. we have a choice, we can wallow in self pity, point fingers and carry on falling out with or family, friends and neighbours or we can pull together and decide as a country how to move forward.
We are lucky to live in a country where we have freedom of speech and democracy, whilst tempers may flair we should respect each others views otherwise we are no better than the dictatorships we claim to detest.

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